August 2: Addressing self-sabotage
July 26: No one is responsible for your feelings except you
July 19, 2020: Detaching by acknowledging feelings, examining thoughts, and deciding on a next step
July 12, 2020: Repressed feelings block your energy
July 5, 2020: The art of acceptance
June 20, 2020: How God works with us. The grieving process is the forgiveness process
June 14, 2020: Acceptance is not forever. It is for the present moment
June 1, 2020: Acceptance does not mean adaptation or tolerance
May 18, 2020: The nameless sense of being unfit for reality
April 29, 2020: God as a wise, older friend
April 27, 2020: Personal relationship with God
April 17, 2020: Healthy escapes in undependence
April 5, 2020: Assertive in’t aggressive
March 31, 2020: Savior mask falls off