Comment Submission DMV California DriveCA Licenses

Tell the DMV: Make identification requirements accessible and the application process protected so that all 1.4 million undocumented members of our community can apply for a license!

Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }},

We’re almost there — soon driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants will become a reality. But first we have to make sure every immigrant driver is able to apply.  

The DMV will hold public hearings in L.A. and Oakland this week on application requirements for the licenses.This is the moment to make sure the DMV establishes document requirements that make licenses accessible to all immigrants and develop privacy protections to safeguard against discrimination.

Today is the last day before the hearings to submit comments to the DMV. We need to send a clear message that we want an inclusive and protected application process for all eligible Californians.

Will you submit a comment to the DMV right now urging a more accessible and protected application process to ensure that all immigrants are able to obtain a license to drive?

The DMV recently proposed a set of regulations about how to implement the new AB 60 law granting undocumented Californians driver’s licenses which include unnecessarily stringent requirements like — requiring both a passport AND a consular ID that increases costs and hurdles to applicants and could put the success of the law at serious risk.

There are also concerns about privacy protections. Given the deportation of two million immigrants nationwide in the last five years, communities are fearful that their information could be shared with other federal agencies. We need to make sure that privacy protections are established so that immigrants are not deterred from applying for licenses.

Our community has been waiting for licenses for years. Many drive without a license out of necessity like Mabel Barrera, a 27 year old, living in the U.S. since she was 15. She drives to get to school and work. She learned to drive from her mother who drove in Mexico but never really got to learn all the rules of the road here in the U.S. where distances are measured in feet, not meters.2

Being able to legally drive will transform the lives of Mabel and countless others, improving overall safety on the roads. Families will no longer have to worry about getting their car impounded or worse end up in jail because of being barred from getting a license — a must have document to be able to drive to work, school, or the hospital.

All eyes are on California right now, watching how AB 60 is implemented by the DMV. Other states, looking to pass similar laws, will follow California’s lead. We need to make sure that all of the 1.4 million immigrant members of our community are able to obtain a license.

Submit a comment today urging the DMV to improve their proposed regulations on identification documents and privacy protections to ensure all immigrants can apply for a license!

Thanks and ¡adelante!

Arturo, Mariana, Refugio, Erick, Erica, Luis, and the rest of the Team

P.S. Can you donate $5 to support our work? We rely on contributions from people like you to see campaigns like this through.


1. Concerns Over Proposed License Regulations, California Public Radio, June 18, 2014

2. California’s undocumented immigrants prepare for drivers test, 89.3 KPCC, June 19, 2014